Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Fun At The Pharmacy

I managed to purchase two boxes of what appear to be cold medicine, however, not being able to read Korean I thought I'd pop on-line and see what I'm taking.

Here is the original text from the Myticin manufacturers website:
마이티신엑스 과립은 한의서인 온병조변에 수재되어 있는 은교산을 원방으로 한 제품으로 발열에 의한 각종 염증성질환 (인후염,기관지염 등) 및 감기의 제증상 (입이 마르고 두통, 기침)에 효과가 있어 해열, 진통완화작용을 나타냅니다.또한 성분중 금은화와 연교는 소염, 해열, 항균, 항바이러스효과가 있어서 악성종기나 인후염에 치료제로 사용되고 있습니다.

효능, 효과 : 인후염, 편도염, 목감기, 중이염 및 기타 염증 성분 : 감초, 길경, 박하, 금은화, 연교, 영양각, 형개, 우방자, 담죽엽, 두시 용법용량 : 1일 3회,식전 또는 식간에 복용 15세 이상 - 1회 1포, 7~14세 - 1회 1/2포, 5~6세 - 1회 1/4포
And in Engrish, as translated by Bablefish:
The E the mote shoes X granule is becoming the bright person in all bottle instant costume change which is from a herb doctor kyo the mountain the various inflammation nature exchange in the remote area due to a heat generation with one product (piece dyeing which is, bronchitis back) and the cold in Je Jeung Sang (mouth dries and headache, cough) to be an effect alleviates a fever, shows an anesthetic relaxation action. Also gold and silver anger and year in ingredient kyo there is a quenching, removal of fever, a clause germ and a clause virus effect and in the piece dyeing which is a malignant end B it is used with the remedy. Effect and effect: The piece dyeing which is, one way Yum, the neck cold, the tympanitis and other inflammation ingredient: Around the licorice, route, the peppermint and gold and silver anger, year kyo, the nutrition angle and the elder brother dog, the friendly nation it sleeps, wall gruel Yub, it lets, use dosage: 1st 3 times, before or for taking medicine above 15 three - 1 time 1 gun, 7~14 tax - 1 time 1/2 guns, 5~6 tax - 1 time quarter guns
I think my favorite quote is the "elder brother dog, the friendly nation it sleeps." No wonder we have problems with international relations! I'm going to go take 1 time 1/2 guns and go to bed. Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what a "time quarter gun" is, but I desperately want one.

Unknown said...

I'd like to try the peppermint and gold silver anger. Interesting.

Hope you feel better after taking this "potion".